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标题: The Titanic 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  The Titanic

The Titanic!  The gigantic steamer!
The luxury of the world!
Is She the pride of modern technique?
Or the shame of all the helmsmen?
How many lives She brought down in the icy water?
How much wealth She sank in the depth of ocean?
How many tears were shed for Her?
How many books were written on Her?
What if no iceberg floated there?
What if She didn't sink on that fatal night?
What if happiness didn't turn into mourning?
What if She completed Her maiden voyage?
Were She still sailing the blue seas,
From the Atlantic to the Pacific?
Or be replaced by a more modern liner?
And turned into a floating museum on display?
Would that Time flow back, and nothing happened!
I would like to see what She is today!

2009-1-4 11:55
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She was discovered at the bottom of the ocean floor,
resting in peace and covered with dust,
a tomb reminds us that once upon a time,
the human pride and arrogance
created  a horrible disaster ,
a deep wound of our heart which will never be forgotten.

Once discovered,
many memorable things were brought to the surface,
so much tears were shed again,
many more books were written  and  shared,
a movie was made that touched the hearts of a billion.

2009-1-7 12:12
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thanks.  but better  "written  and  shared".

2009-1-7 17:49
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