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标题: [原创] 成语秒译 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [原创] 成语秒译

拨云见日 put aside the clouds to see the sun
称王称霸 call the king and the tyrant
大公无私 the duke has no privacy
大声疾呼 cry out loud in sickness
胆大心粗 the gallbladder is big but the heart is coarse
悼心失图 lament the heart that does not show ECG
倒背如流 reverse his back like a river
登木求鱼 climb up a piece of wood to beg the fish
东拉西扯 pull in the east and drag in the west
独辟蹊径 feeling lonely, he opens a small path
独善其身 feeling lonely, he works out a lot
断头将军 the headless army general OR cut off one's head to lead the army
夺门而出 snatch the door and leave the house
发人深省 send people to hinterland provinces
壮士解腕 muscular soldier uncuffs his wrist
甘败下风 sweet defeat goes down with the wind
胡言乱语 Mr. Hu talks nonsense
仁人志士 A kind person is a comrade of the soldier
调兵遣将 investigate the soldiers and dismiss the generals
手舞足蹈 the hand dances and the foot stamps
魂飞魄散 When souls fly away, the spirits disband
狐群狗党 the pack of foxes in the dog's party
人山人海 human mountain human sea
呼风唤雨 call the wind and the rain
龙腾虎跃 the dragon jumps and the tiger also jumps
胡思乱想 Mr Hu thinks chaotic thoughts
日久天长 it is a lengthy sunny day
金枝玉叶 the golden bough with jade leaves
长吁短叹 breath long but sigh short
争名夺利 struggle for a name and snatch the profit
虎背熊腰 a tiger's back but a bear's waist
日新月异 the sun is new and the moon is different
甜言蜜语 sweet words and honey language
长年累月 a long year wears out the moon
高瞻远瞩 Mr. Gao Zhan looks far into the distance
自由自在 freedoms exists all by itself
争分夺秒 struggle for the pennies and snatch the seconds
花言巧语 the flower speaks clever language
引经据典 lead the sutra according the dictionary
流言蜚语 flow the words and speeches of the "fei" insects
自轻自贱 self light self cheap
风起云涌 the wind blows up the surging clouds
自暴自弃 It is one's own responsibility to get rid of one's own anger
穷凶极恶 Extreme poverty breeds extreme evil
雷厉风行 When the thunder gets angry, the clouds go.

2009-4-6 10:13
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花言巧语 the flower speaks clever language


2009-4-6 15:53
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花言巧语 the flower speaks clever language

原来还有比people mountain people sea更经典的 学习了

2009-4-6 16:11
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some more

good good study, day day up

that this that this

horse horse tiger tiger

2009-4-6 16:22
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No, it is "up up everyday"

2009-4-6 18:15
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