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标题: [原创] 老方译诗: 白居易离离原上草 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [原创] 老方译诗: 白居易离离原上草


赋得古原草送别 唐?白居易



Lush and fresh are the grasses on the plain
They wither, and turn green next year again
Never succumbing to the wild fires they
Revive as spring brings the breezy day
From afar their fragrance encroaches on this ancient trail
In sunshine to reach desolate town they never fail
Here again I am parting with my old acquaintance
The sorrows are like the grass in wild exuberance


Lush and fresh are the grasses on the plain (离离这个叠音,用lush and fresh 里的sh 体现)
They wither, and turn green next year again
Never succumbing to the wild fires they
Revive as the spring brings the breezy day
From afar their fragrance touches this old trail
In sunshine to reach waste town they never fail
Here again I part with my old acquaintance
Like grass our sorrows grow with exuberance

exuberance 这个词,到底是in 还是 with,吃不准。个人喜欢 in,但是只查到一个例句:‘houseplants growing with wild exuberance’。 那就照抄好了。

2021-4-1 15:12
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