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标题: 翻译《与家人同谒大云山》 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  翻译《与家人同谒大云山》

Li: You have been doing your homework for two hours and should take a break.
Ma: OK. Let’s go and play volleyball.

Li: This Saturday is my birthday. Please come to my home for a get
Ma: Fine. I’ll certainly come.

Xiao Ma, come up the mountain. The scenery is beautiful up on the
Ma: I will go up after a little rest.

This hotel is very convenient to transportation and not far from several
tourist spots.
Ma: Yes, it is also close to the airport. The bus just took 5 minutes to take us

Li: San Francisco to Beijing is about ten thousand kilometers, right?
Ma: Right. I heard that flying from Beijing to San Francisco takes 12 hours.


全诗五字70行。 如果一口气翻译下来,英文读者会觉得不堪卒读,所以在格式上采取了四行一小节,给读者以喘息的机会。 当然, 这样处理,每个小节是否自成一个意群,就不是我作为译者能控制的了。还有就是中文的诗行数未必正好对应,势必要有所取舍。我的舍, 安排在最后。作者说到自己拜神,联想到年轻气盛,是无神论者,从来没给神佛作揖鞠躬。但是经过一生坎坷,当年的雄心已经不复存在,对神佛现在也多少存有一点敬畏之心了。 其中两行, 何不同其光, 何不合其辙, 说的就是这种与命运妥协的意思。这两行我只翻译成两个字 Heart tamed (心被驯服了)。

这种叙事的古风, 倒是也比较对我的胃口。 如果不用考虑声韵, 翻译起来还是比较上手。 我先是用无韵体翻译。 现在我自己写诗也好,翻译也好,基本上每行的音节数在10到15之间。 加加工经可能押到10个音节,是英语传统诗歌常用的音节数。 当然,翻译不可能做到整齐划一。




A Pilgrimage to the Dayunshan Mountain

By MENG Chongzhi

Translated by YU Lan

A child I climbed up a mound behind my house
And looked far with wild imagination.
There stood in distance the Dayun Mountain
Majestic and misty, well beyond the clouds.

I dreamed of going there someday before long
And I did, as a septuagenarian.
In summer I toured the immortal's mountain
Back at native home, my folks tagging along.

欲读全部请购买下期诗殿堂。 poetryh.com

2020-5-12 23:41
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