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标题: [原创] 水调歌头 游泳---硬译 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [原创] 水调歌头 游泳---硬译

水调歌头 游泳


talented persons drink the water of changsha
and yet also want to eat the fish of wuchang
ten thousand li long river horizontally crosses
extreme eye clear sky comfy
no matter wind blows and wave beats
victory is like idle yard believing in steps
today got a wide me
my son says in sichuan
the dead is like this guy
wind wall moves
turtle snake quiet
rises big photo
a bridge flies across south north
heavenly gap changes into through way
more stand west river rock wall
cut off wu mountain's wind and rain
high gorges appears flat lake
goddess should have no sickness
should be surprised at world's difference

2013-4-17 23:06
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  硬譯不錯,幫助學生認字。別忘了作者:Swamp-east Hair

2013-4-18 15:00
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