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#1  [原创]这要是在美国


Alice in the Cities 1974

By an unlikely twist of fate, reporter Phil Winter finds himself stuck with a little girl, Alice, searching the cities of Germany for her grandmother, whose name and address Alice can't remember. The only clue they have is a photograph of her grandmother's front door with no house number and no one in the shot. The film's theme closely foreshadows Wenders' later film Paris Texas. The scenario of a young girl and a writer thrown together was inspired by his long time collaborator Peter Handke's experience as a single parent[1]. The influence also of Short Letter, Long Farewell, Handke's 1972 novel, featuring an alienated German-speaker travelling across the United States, can be inferred from the film's use of clips from John Ford's Young Mr. Lincoln, itself heavily referenced in the novel.

这个记者怎么和一个小女孩纠缠到一起了呢?原来是他在飞机场跟小女孩和她妈相遇, 本不认识。她妈不会说英语,请他帮忙订机票,后来一路。后来她妈有事走了,给他留了个条子,让他把Alice 带到阿姆斯特丹。电影就是这个过程,属于典型的road movie。



2。让一个不知根知底的31岁男人带自己的未成年女孩不远千里, 跑路住店,绝对不可想象。
3。男记者洗澡不避未成年女孩,要是被美国警察和社工撞见,绝对逮捕地说。 :-D


2008-11-10 20:51
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