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#1  [原创] 学术文章的文采


今日读 1972年美国东方学会一篇谈淮南王刘安的历史论文,其中个别段落颇有散文之美。

The author is:



Liu An, at 40, must have been a frustrated and disappointed man, but from his biography we can see that he was ever alert for any word, any sign, any portent which hinted that greatness would seek him out, that the grandeur which he believed was his fate would yet come to him. He felt his destiny lay in ascending to heights from which he might look down upon the world and view it with cool omniscience, and in knowing it, control it, subtly working wonders, deviously redressing the awry, with lightning speed and pinpoint accuracy expunging every evil-doer. For Liu An was a Taoist with a mission: he contained an undeniable motive force which pressed within him and which would surely move the world as it moved him. He was an ego so grand in its dimensions and lofty in its flights that it must rise up and hover as super-ego to all below.



2014-8-22 22:16
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