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#1  [原创] 英译汉教程

Key Federal Agencies Collaborate to Provide Funding and Support for Rural America


On Tuesday, June 12, three federal agencies announced a new project to assist high-need rural areas facing chronic poverty along the U.S.-Mexico border. This new project is part of a series of initiatives delivered through the White House Rural Council, which recently released a report detailing the steps President Obama and this administration have taken to support rural America.

新美社(New America News Agency) 报道:6月12日,三个联邦部门宣布了一项新的扶贫计划。根据这个计划,美国南部靠近墨西哥的长期处于贫困状况的偏远农村地区将得到政府的扶助。这项计划是由白宫农业委员会宣布的。此前,该委员会发布了一项报告,详细阐述了奥巴马主席和本届政府为了广大农民兄弟的福祉而采取的一系列脱贫措施。

The Border Community Capital Initiative (“Border Initiative”) is a collaborative effort among the Department of Agriculture-Rural Development (USDA-RA), Department of Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI), and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These three federal agencies signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and, together, will increase economic development activity at a community level throughout these high need areas, known as colonias.

联邦农业部农村发展局,联邦财政部社区发展金融机构和联邦住房与城市发展部合作推出一项“边疆社区资金启动计划”。这三个部门签署了一份理解备忘录,计划以社区为平台,联手推动边疆高贫区 (边高区)的经济开发活动。

Colonias are communities within 150 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. These high-need communities frequently lack fundamental resources such as sanitary housing, access to potable water, and adequate sewage systems. Under the Border Initiative, up to $200,000 will be made available to nonprofit and tribal financial institutions serving colonias. These funds will be used for direct investment and technical assistance focused on providing access to valuable resources that these communities lack.



2012-8-9 23:59
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  President Obama = 奧巴馬主席?

2012-8-10 15:12
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