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标题: 明日歌 Song of Tomorrow 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  明日歌 Song of Tomorrow

明日复明日, Tomorrow and tomorrow,
明日何其多! How many tomorrows there are!
我生待明日, If waiting for tomorrow all my life,
万事成蹉跎。 Nothing will ever be done.
世人苦被明日累,Humans are bitterly misled by tomorrow,
春去秋来老将至。 Spring gone, Autumn come, old age is here.
朝看水东流, Watching water flowing east in the morning,
暮看日西坠。 Looking at the sun setting in west in the evening.
百年明日能几何? How many tomorrows are there in a hundred years?
请君听我《明日歌》。So, you, please listen to my song of tomorrow.

2009-11-22 10:56
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