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标题: 《放船》Sailing a Boat 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  《放船》Sailing a Boat

我將一片木頭﹐I take a piece of wood
插上一張樹葉﹐Sticking a leaf in it
把它當作小船﹐I take it for a boat
放在小池上面。Putting it on the pool
再捉一隻螞蟻﹐I get an ant
請牠當個乘客。Let it be a passenger
小船兒﹐駛吧﹐Sail, my little boat
借我扇上的風﹐With the wind from my fan
駛向彼岸﹗Sailing to the shore beyond

2009-11-15 11:57
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