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标题: [原创] 英译汉黄笑话两则 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [原创] 英译汉黄笑话两则


One day at school a boy came to class 5 minutes late and the teacher said where have you been? On top of cherry hill he says ten minutes later another boy comes in and the teacher says where have you been? on top of cherry hill he says 15 minutes later a boy comes in with his pants unzipped and clothes wirnkled the teacher says where have you been?on top of cherry hill he says About 20 minutes later a girl walks in the class room the teacher says let me guess you were on cherry hill the girl looks up and says iam cherry hill


有男童上课迟到。先生问去哪了。 曰在樱桃山上呢。又一男童迟到。先生问去哪了。 曰在樱桃山上呢。第三个男童迟到, 进门衣着不整。先生问去哪了。 曰在樱桃山上呢。最后一女童迟到。先生说你也在樱桃山上吗?女童说, 我不知道什么樱桃山,但是知道樱桃, 因为我就是樱桃。先生问男童:你们不是说都在樱桃山上吗?樱桃山在哪儿?三男童说,我们没说在樱桃山上,我们说在樱桃身上。

One, Two, Three, Four !!!

A man, suffering from sexual dysfunction, went to his doctor who found nothing physically wrong. He felt that it was all in his mind so he referred him to a psychologist.The psychologist treated him using all of his professional counselling skills and was unable to solve the problem.In desparation, the man went to a medicine man who said a few magic words, performed some magic and said to the man..."When you want to make love to your wife, say 'one, two, three' and you will be able to perform for as long as you want to. When you are finished, your wife says 'one, two, three, four' and your penis will return to normal. However, this can only be done once a year...OK ?"The man can't wait to try it out that night in bed so he says "one, two, three" and sure enough, gets a huge erection.His wife says "What did you say one, two, three for ?"


2009-5-14 14:30
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