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#1  微软宣布放弃收购雅虎


thesunlover, this weekend you should be in very good mood.

yahoo will drop huge on Monday back to the price before Microsoft's buy out news.

I thought yahoo would take microsoft's second offer at 33 dollars, but well, they wanted 37?  Only 4 dollars difference, a little more than 10% difference. I don't think yahoo would ever see 33 again.

2008-5-4 00:00
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Bad news for me. I covered my short shares two weeks ago at 28. (I shorted yhoo at 27).

I really dislike micro and soft.

因为我和黑夜结下了不解之缘 所以我爱太阳
2008-5-5 10:15
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well, many people believed that they would make the deal.  if that is the case, it would be 33 or 34.  it was the safe play you covered your short shares.

2008-5-5 10:51
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Yes. Who could imagine the big bully finally give up. At least I didn't cover it at a higher price. I learned my lessons.

因为我和黑夜结下了不解之缘 所以我爱太阳
2008-5-5 10:58
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I really dislike micro and soft. [/quote]


2008-5-5 11:07
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