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#1  大家看看爱太阳的这笔1 billion交易好不好

爱太阳的公司1 billion买下了mysql vendor。伊甸文苑的数据库就是mysql吧?这下,大概mysql在open source数据库中竞争力会提升了吧?还有爱太阳的公司原本支持PostgreSQL,它们以后该改成统一战线的了吧。

2008-1-17 17:27
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searain, that's a good pun :-)
i installed MySql a couple of months ago. it wasn't easy.

2008-1-17 19:54
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因为我和黑夜结下了不解之缘 所以我爱太阳
2008-1-22 10:50
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sun micro supports java rather than php, PostgreSQL rather than mysql, it of course has its own versions of OS and web server rather than general version linux and apache.  But in most of these cases, Sun Micro is not the enemy of LAMP.  Now, it says, after buying mysql, it will support LAMP more.  We will see.

But it is hard to see why Sun Micro spent 1 billion to buy My SQL.

MySQL vendor finally sold out for 1 billion.  Well, it is one way open source can make money.

MySQL vendor make the mysql open source, and in most cases, it is free to use like yidian.  But mysql vendor holds the small percentage usage to be chargeable, plus offer the paid for tech support for the big clients.  Make it a buy out candidate.  But 1 billion?

2008-1-22 14:51
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