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"In a conversation with Confucius, Jikang asked how to govern and inquired, 'If we could get rid of the wicked people to help the virtuous, would that be good?' Confucius answered, 'When you govern, why do you need to resort to killing? If you desire to do good, the people will also desire to do good. The morals of a leader are like the wind, and the morals of the people are like the grass. When the wind blows, the grass will bend in that direction.'" (Interpretation of The Analects, author unknown)

You are absolutely right, wise sir! Your eloquent words were certainly studied by Zeng Guofan earnestly, but that didn't stop him from mercilessly slaughtering innocent people. What's even more ridiculous is that he was ultimately granted sainthood. The teachings of Confucius and Mencius are generally good, but the problem lies in the difficulty of putting them into practice. In the over two thousand years since their time, apart from a few literary figures such as Qu Yuan, Du Fu, and Tao Qian, who acted on the principles of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness, almost no rulers of the various dynasties actually used the teachings of the sages as a guide to their actions. Instead, they believed in and strongly practiced the opposite of the Confucian/Mencian way, that is, the Machiavellian way of intrigue, cunning, and unscrupulousness. Their respect for Confucius was just a sham. They always hung out the sheep's head but sold the dog meat, saying one thing and doing another, and talking more beautifully than they acted. This is a major fatal problem in Chinese civilization.

2023-2-19 18:20
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Reading history books, the emphasis should be on factual records, while ignoring commentaries and perspectives. Personal opinions are derived from historical facts, which is called independent thinking.

2023-2-21 21:00
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She may not be very clever, nor kind enough, but she is one of the bravest and most elegant women in history. Standing on the guillotine, about to be beheaded, she accidentally stepped on the foot of the executioner who was about to execute her. Immediately, she apologized, "I'm sorry, sir! I didn't mean to do it." Oh, that's an act that's right up there with adjusting his tassel and hat performed by a Chinese warrior right before being killed. Zilu and Marie Antoinette, one from the East and one from the West, resonate with each other.

2023-2-22 21:25
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"In a conversation with Confucius, Jikang asked how to govern and inquired, 'If we could get rid of the wicked people to help the virtuous, would that be good?' Confucius answered, 'When you govern, why do you need to resort to killing? If you desire to do good, people will also desire to do good. The morals of a leader are like the wind, and the morals of the people are like the grass. When the wind blows, the grass will bend in that direction.'" (Interpretation of The Analects, author unknown)

When I first read this passage from the Analects, I was shocked by Confucius' words which are full of humanitarianism. If the people in power throughout Chinese history had listened to Confucius' teachings, tens of millions of ordinary people would have been spared from tragic fates like being treated as mere weeds. Unfortunately, harsh reality clashes with idealistic aspirations. The autocratic rulers never believed in convincing people with reason, but with force and a butcher's knife. The more people they kill, the longer they think they can rule. The teachings of the sages such as benevolence, righteousness, and morality have never been anything more than a tool used to deceive and exploit the masses, hanging a sheep's head to sell dog meat signs.

2023-2-24 21:20
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Probably because I clicked some articles on this subject, many "Zeng Guofan hymns" have been flooding my WeChat account recently, indicating that there are indeed many modern admirers of this Qing dynasty hangman, and it is not surprising that he has become a saint. The following text is excerpted from Wikipedia, which records several great achievements of the sage. The Taiping army was not something good, and the Xiang army was also half a catty. To this day, the Chinese people only know about the "Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese Army" and not the "Nanjing Massacre by the Xiang Army". The former culprit was executed and nailed to the pillar of shame in history, while the latter culprit was honored on the list of sages for future generations to worship. What a big historical joke, the Chinese people have never been concerned about massive killings made by historical figures whom they worship. Here is another story: In the late period of the Taiping, Li Hongzhang perfidiously slaughtered 30,000 Taiping soldiers who surrendered him in Suzhou. He admitted to his mother that it was "too unrighteous" in this matter, but his mentor, Zeng Guofan, did not feel unrighteousness in the slightest and praised him: "It was the best thing among recent events that Li Hongzhang in Suzhou killed the eight surrendered generals. What clear eye and a spicy hand." Even though the text across history, one can still feel Zeng Guofan's chilling pleasure. In summary, Zeng Guofan: well-read in the classics, calmly opens the slaughter; writing about benevolence, righteousness, morality, and achieving a great example for future generations.

* 咸丰八年(1858年)5月,曾占领九江。太平军将士17,000人战死后攻佔九江,尽屠城中遗民2万。
* 咸丰十年(1860年),湘军围困安庆。1861年9月,曾督其弟曾国荃部攻陷安庆。安庆破城,劫掠殆尽,屠四万余。
* 同治三年(1864年)7月,曾破天京。19日,湘军攻破天京,对无辜平民展开屠杀与抢掠,当时的南京城被烧毁,平民死伤无数,南京人咸恨湘军,称曾国藩为“曾剃头”、“曾屠户”,曾国荃被唤为“曾老饕”。
* 曾国藩入南京后,湘军大肆焚掠,南京文士李圭道:“至官军一面,则溃败后之虏掠,或战胜后之焚杀,尤耳不忍闻,目不忍睹,其惨毒实较‘贼’又有过之无不及,予不欲言,予亦不敢言也。”太平天国强盛时,南京最多有百万人,可屠城之后十多年,死走逃亡,到光绪帝登基时,南京只剩不到五十万人。
* 一说曾国荃于南京抢得大量财物,曾国藩则对朝廷奏称“伪宫贼馆,一炬成灰,并无所谓赋库者,然克复老巢而全无货物,实出微臣意计之外,亦为从来罕见之事”,说除了二方“伪玉玺”和一方“金印”,别无所获。许多人认为,曾国藩、曾国荃私自抢走了所有太平天国的财物,以纵火掩饰。
* 国荃虽善战,但屡屡屠杀平民,军纪极差,亦曾自谓“杀人如麻”,以安庆杀降、南京屠城,为人所病;南京城破后,曾国藩上奏入南京后,“分段搜杀,三日之间毙贼共十馀万人,秦淮长河,尸首如麻,三日夜火光不息。”其实十馀万人大多是老百姓。
* 曾国藩更是心狠手辣之军事家。曾国荃攻克安庆时,一日之内屠杀一万馀名战俘,其中参杂大量平民,曾国荃怕有报应,写信给曾国藩。曾国藩在家书中竟然回应“自以杀贼为志,何必以多杀为悔。”
* 当时金陵士大夫有隐语:“昨夜诸侯今庶人,江宁民家尽死人!”。南京百姓至今仍以“曾剃头”、“曾屠户”等词称呼曾国藩、曾国荃兄弟,形容曾国藩、曾国荃兄弟攻打南京时,屠杀平民无数。太平天国天京城破三十馀年后,谭嗣同在南京仍听当地人说:“(湘军)一破城,见人即杀,见屋即烧,子女玉帛扫数入于湘军,而金陵遂永穷矣。至今,父老言之,犹深愤恨。”
* 彭玉麟见曾国藩之弟曾国荃滥杀平民十馀万人,非常痛心,先后二次(1861年安庆之围与1864年金陵之围)致函曾国藩,要求杀弟以大义灭亲,但曾国藩回应,反将一军:“舍弟并无管蔡叛逆之迹,不知何以应诛?不知舍弟何处开罪阁下,憾之若是?”曾又自认军纪无问题,又说,“鄙人在军十年,自问聋聩不至于此。”。

2023-2-26 15:10
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For Chinese culture or civilization, the opening is the pole, and the starting point is the peak.  The Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods were at the pinnacle, the Tang and Song dynasties returned to some light, and then the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties have waned to the present. Even today, people still talk about Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius, and Mencius because there are simply no other comparable figures to talk about (few Westerners nowadays talk about Socrates and Plato). However, these ancient sages have lagged behind modern civilization for several centuries.

2023-2-28 17:28
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In Chinese history, when people kill, as long as they end up being the final winners, then no matter who they kill, how many they kill, or how they kill, they will be understood by future generations as having sufficient reasons to kill, while those who are killed are seen as having no reason not to be killed.

2023-3-2 19:38
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I started reading history story books when I was about 10 years old, then "The History of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty", "The General History of China", "Records of the Grand Historian", "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", and so on, until I graduated from college. Now I don't consider myself a "history lover", I am definitely not a "history lover": Chinese history is so cruel and bloody, so dirty and sordid, how can I be its "lover"?

2023-3-6 19:57
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Personally, I do dislike the vulgar behaviour of "flipping the middle finger", but I did it myself once. When taking a photo in front of a historical monument, I deliberately raised my right middle finger to express my distinct emotions. The historical site was the Ming Tower in the Fangcheng area of the Changling Mausoleum in Beijing's Thirteen Ming Tombs. The Changling Mausoleum is where the tomb of the Ming Emperor Chengzu Zhu Di is located.

2023-3-8 21:40
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I need to work on viewing and understanding the world today with the eyes of future historians.

2023-3-10 22:24
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"On August 27, 1947, after the Liu-Deng army made a long march to the Dabie Mountains... a deputy company commander of the Wild Regiment Security Guard took a bundle of noodles and a piece of floral cloth from a shop without the shopkeeper's consent. In order to enforce military discipline, Deng Xiaoping held a public trial and, in accordance with the three articles of military law, executed the deputy company commander. This event caused a shock among the whole army and the public, and since then, military discipline had been strictly enforced and no one dared to violate it, not harming a new feather of the public." (ZT)

What a "not harming a new feather of the public". After reading this historical story, there are many questions that arise. First, wasn't the same army also involved in the "land reform" campaign to "seize land from the landlords" in 1927? Was this "not harming a new feather of the public"? Second, wasn't it the same army that legislated in the 1950s to confiscate all the land in the country and historically deprive all the people of their land ownership? Was this "not harming a new feather of the public"? Third, wasn't it the same army that confiscated all the assets of all business owners of all sizes in the 1950s? Was this "not harming a new feather of the public"?

The historical fact is that this "not harming a new feather of the public" army, in the name of state ownership, deprived all the private property of the entire country's citizens!

2023-3-15 19:24
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1. 活人殉葬:中国长期大规模存在,西方从未有过。《汉书》记载秦始皇陵杀殉数万人。活人殉葬直至1928年才由南京国民政府彻底终止。
2. 人吃人:中国长期大规模存在,史不绝书,历朝各代皆有,直至20世纪60年代文革期间。西方少量存在。
3. 太监制度:中国长期大规模存在,西方早期零星存在。
4. 后宫制度:中国长期存在,西方从未有过。
5. 一夫多妻制:中国长期大规模存在,西方早期零星存在。
6. 帝王陵墓:不论陵墓规模还是陪葬品,中国远超西方。一座秦始皇陵,远超欧洲诸国所有帝王陵墓之总和。
7. 杀俘屠城:中国长期大规模存在,史不绝书,历朝各代皆有。西方零星存在。
8. 骨肉相残:中国长期大规模存在,史不绝书,历朝各代皆有。西方零星存在。
9. 株连九族:中国长期大规模存在,史不绝书,历朝各代皆有。西方从未有过。
10. 杀婴:中国长期大规模存在,直至今日。西方少量存在。

Comparisons of Chinese and Western History: Ten Major Differences:

1. Burial with the Dead: This practice existed on a large scale in China for thousands of years but was never present in the West. The Book of Han records that tens of thousands of people were killed and buried in the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The practice of burying the living with the dead was not completely abolished until 1928 by the Nanjing Nationalist government.
2. Cannibalism: This practice existed on a large scale in China for thousands of years, as documented in the historical records of all dynasties, until the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. Cannibalism in the West was infrequent.
3. Eunuch System: This practice existed on a large scale in China for thousands of years, while in the West, it existed only infrequently in the early times.
4. Imperial Harem System: This system existed for thousands of years in China but never in the West.
5. Polygamy: This practice existed on a large scale in China for thousands of years, while in the West, it existed only infrequently in the early times.
6. Imperial Mausoleum: China far surpasses the West both in terms of the scale of the mausoleums and the burial objects. The mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang alone can compete with the sum total of all the imperial and royal tombs in European countries.
7. Killing Captives and Massacring Cities: This practice existed on a large scale in China for thousands of years, as documented in the historical records of all dynasties. Such practices in the West were sporadic.
8. Familial Fratricide: This practice existed on a large scale in the Chinese imperial and royal families for thousands of years, as documented in historical records of all dynasties. Familial fratricide in the West was infrequent.
9. Nine Kinship Exterminations: This practice existed in China on a large scale for thousands of years, as documented in historical records of all dynasties. Nine Kinship Exterminations never existed in the West.
10. Infanticide: This practice has existed in China on a large scale throughout history until today. In the West, infanticide existed in small numbers.

2023-3-20 13:30
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Throughout the 3,000 years of Chinese civilization, the emergence of great and immortal thinkers has been a rare occurrence. Among them, Mozi stands out as a remarkable figure due to his doctrine of "inclusive love" or "universal love," which has remained a shining example through the ages. Even when compared to the philosophical traditions of the world, his contributions are recognized as brilliant achievements. Despite this, Mozi's ideas have never gained traction in China, neither in academia nor in society. This is largely due to the fact that his ideas are ahead of their time, exceeding the cognitive and interpretive categories of ordinary people. Nonetheless, it is precisely this uniqueness, greatness, and profound significance that sets Mozi apart from the rest.

2023-4-22 22:00
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2023-7-15 16:31
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