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#1  Mother's Day

Mother’s Day

- To Mother in the sickbed

Fading away, O all is fading away
The lustrous spring must now decay
Passions and joys are in the fleeting past
When the world is celebrating in May

Fading away, O we are fading away
Beauty and youth are receding day after day
Now I have grown to carry on your burdens
Your eyes are waxen dim, hair turned grey

Fading away, O you are fading away
How I want to hold on to you, how I want to say
You gave me life, you are my mother tree
When you wither, on whose branch will I stay?     

Fading away, O my heart is fading away
Like a lone leaf shivers in a gloomy day
How can I keep you, to whom shall I pray?
You are my mother, and you are fading away!

世界無窮願無盡, 海天寥廓立多時
2006-5-11 22:39
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