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#1  The Ground Zero

The Ground Zero
- Viewed from Winter Garden

In a giant window
Lay the Ground Zero
Frozen, silent, monumental
A meek beast, wounded
Circled nothing but sorrow

We were frozen too
In front of the hollow beast
The day when darkness fell
From above came the abyss
Silence, Death's silence
My heart trapped in his face

Startled, we heard a chorus
The soft voice flooded over us
Alas! Heavenly voice!
You weightless angels
Come, release me!
Carry me to your land of
nothingness, ample bliss

Thousands of sad eyes
Looking down from sky
O merciful eyes!
Why did you cease weeping?
How can we escape
From your eternal gaze?

"They want us to live well"
You said, and you cried
Struck by electricity, I smiled
I held your hand, trustingly
Above the ruins we will rise

I am light, whispered a voice
Reach you and you are free
I am water, murmured the voice
Touch you and you are pure

2006-5-1 20:06
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