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标题: [原创] 每日英语一句 [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-3 11:03     标题: [原创] 每日英语一句

我每天生活和工作都要用很多英语口语,譬如和朋友,老师,同事聊天等,“每日英语一句” 将摘录一些有趣的句子,分析,对照字典,与对英语和翻译感兴趣的朋友分享。

1) She just let herself go.  她自暴自弃(语境:说一个人邋遢,不修边幅,整天不洗脸,不梳头,不打扮)

不能翻译成: 她只是让她自己走。

let oneself go

phrase of let


act in an unrestrained or uninhibited way.
"you need to unwind and let yourself go"


become careless or untidy in one's habits or appearance.
"he's really let himself go since my mother died"
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-3 11:20
2)Rich 有钱 与 Well off富裕 的区别。中文里,我们可以用“有钱” 去形容那些去超市买菜不看价,随便买的人,“巨有钱”形容土豪。但英语里的用法是有区别的。

Rich: 有10辆宝马,10栋豪宅,。。。的土豪被形容为 is rich. Being rich means you can burn money有钱的意思是你能烧钱。

Well off 去超市买菜不看价钱的叫富裕, 不能给自己满足以上提到的宝马,豪宅等。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-3 11:39
改天介绍 英语 “穷,巨穷,穷到没米下锅”  等各种穷的程度和表达。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-3 16:36
(因为我们聊天的内容是天南地北,跨度,跳跃很大, 所以这个是原始笔记,没有系统归类。 以前做了很多笔记,能归类变成很厚的一本书。)

3) To  boot 的用法   它的意思是:也,而且

You help people, taking care of them, and at the same time you make money to boot.  你帮了人,照顾他们,而且同时也挣了钱。 (语境:聊工作)  


in addition. For graduation, I got a new suit and a coat to boot. She got an F on her term paper and flunked the final to boot.

跟“to give somebody the boot"  不一样。

give somebody the boot  把某人炒掉; 甩了某人

1. (informal) to stop employing someone They gave him the boot for swearing at his manager. (informal)

2. (informal) to end a romantic relationship with someone She gave him the boot because he wouldn't stop talking about his ex-girlfriends.  跟某人断了,结束关系。 她把他甩了,因为他老提他的前任女友们。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-3 23:27
4) This too shall pass   (安慰病中的人)


5)What's Shaking? (这句口语问候经常用) 怎么样? 还好吗?

nothing much, just poking around.  没怎么样,瞎晃,浪费时间。

poke around 字典:

1. and poke about to look or search around. I've been poking around in the library looking for some statistics. I don't mind if you look in my drawer for a paper clip, but please don't poke about.

2. to waste time while moving about. I just poked around all afternoon and didn't accomplish much. Stop poking around and get moving.

字典:What's shaking,
Same as "what is going on" or "What's up" but in a "cooler" way.

OOps: Hey, What's Shaking?
Loot: Nothing much, just chillin with my peeps.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-4 21:41
What's shaking 字面就是什么东西在摇动,什么事呀? 地震吗? 本地人喜欢把英语说得多姿多彩。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-8 07:18
6)I' m broke and badly bent. 我巨穷,穷得一分钱都没有 (用法:当你知道有人要向你借钱的时候, "无意" 地先说这句, 听者绝望,没法开口。)
I'm not broke, but I'm badly bent 非常穷了, 穷到还剩几块钱。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-13 19:40
Caucasian即是高加索人,用法:提到白人,为避免敏感,麻烦,用Caucasian替代white man,woman。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-15 22:15

He swears like a truck driver.  他像货车司机似的的骂骂咧咧。

Swear like a sailor. 骂骂咧咧像水手。

How about lumberjacks?  伐木工人呢?
They are pretty good, too.  他们也骂得挺好。

The air turns blue---someone is cussing and cursing.  空气变蓝色了,(充满骂人的话)---有人在骂骂咧咧。

There is lot of blue air around---someone is getting angry, swearing like a truck driver.   空气变得很蓝---有人生气了,骂骂咧咧地像货车司机。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-18 14:26
如果你靠近你朋友,伸手过去帮他/她整理衣领或吊带之类, 你说我只是帮你整理衣服, I don't want you to say that I am getting fresh with you.  意思是不想对方说你不征求对方同意就有所行动,避免对方认为你占他便宜, 吃他/她豆腐。


字典 “Someone who is cocky, arrogant and a flirt. One can be accused of being Fresh or trying to get get Fresh with someone. This is usually when someone tries to get some physical action without permission first. ”  
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-22 13:56
We are even now 的用法

报复完了某人说:we are even now.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-7-17 09:41

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-7-31 16:36

朋友:ok, anyway, I am going to clean the dog poo


作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-20 12:26
poke around 常用


chao / ciao  再见,日常用语
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-22 21:40
keep an eye on someone or something

and have an eye on someone or something; keep one's eye(s) on someone or something; have one's eye on someone or something
Fig. to watch someone or something; to monitor someone or something closely. I have my eye on the apple tree. When the apples ripen, I'll harvest them. Please keep an eye on the baby. Will you please keep your eye on my house while I'm on vacation?

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