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标题: 为什么用because [打印本页]

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-2-4 21:11     标题: 为什么用because


1. As you are leaving last, please turn out the lights.  (我和你都知道你要最后一个离开)

2. As women were not supposed to be novelists, she took the name George Eliot. (大家都知道女的不应该是小说家)

3. It's empty, as it had been upside down. (你我都知道瓶头朝下)

上面三个句子都选自著名网络词典,每一句都说明在表示大家都知道的原因时才用as,用不用as并不是它处于什么位置决定的。而海外逸士正在变老,年纪大了并不是大家都知道的原因,所以用as 就不好,而应该用because。请看他下面的这个句子。

海外逸士《挑战书》第一行:As the time is nigh for my bones to turn to dust, I'd like to find a rival in English writing and translation.
我的改文:Because the time is nigh for my bones to turn into dust, I would like to find a rival in the field of English writing and translation.

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-2-5 09:21
我知道你說一般情況下because 放在句子後面,特殊情況可放在前面。我就是要問: 我的句子有什麼特殊情況。請解釋。謝謝。
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-2-5 09:30

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-2-5 09:21:
我知道你說一般情況下because 放在句子後面,特殊情況可放在前面。我就是要問: 我的句子有什麼特殊情況。請解釋。謝謝。

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-2-5 12:49
Because the time is nigh for my bones to turn into dust, I would like to find a rival in the field of English writing and translation.


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