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标题: [原创] 陆军参谋长雷蒙德•奥迪尔诺关于防止自杀的讲话 译注 [打印本页]

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2012-9-27 12:16     标题: [原创] 陆军参谋长雷蒙德•奥迪尔诺关于防止自杀的讲话 译注


Today, our Army will stand down to conduct suicide prevention training.  This is an opportunity to heighten awareness for Soldiers, Civilians, Families and communities about suicide threat factors, about the resources available for help, and about building resiliency across the force.  


[ civilian employee 是一个很难翻译的词。不能翻译成“文职雇员”。译成“非军方雇员”也有歧义。这里用“地方雇员”勉为其难。]

I cannot overemphasize how important this issue is to me.  Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy to our Families, to our units, and to our Army.   


[unit 一词指军队的单位。泛指军队的单位的中文词,也只有“连队”了。不能翻译成“单位”。]

We must work together to create a culture and an environment where people feel comfortable getting the behavioral health assistance that they need.  Our Warrior Ethos states "I will never leave a fallen comrade."  I need everyone to take that to heart.  Every individual contemplating suicide has a friend, Family member, or leader in the position to help.  I need you all to get involved.  Intervening requires personal courage and leadership.  It isn't easy, but there is no room for bystanders.  


We are a resilient Army, and we are committed to building our individual and collective strength - physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and within our Families.  You must continue to refine and apply the resiliency skills you learn.  



Last week I visited Afghanistan, Djibouti, and the Sinai Peninsula where I had the opportunity to talk with, present awards to, and re-enlist Soldiers.  I am so proud of and humbled by the dedication and professionalism I see throughout the Army on a daily basis.  Every member of our Army Family is important, and we will never waver on providing you the care and support you so rightly deserve.  

上个星期我去了阿富汗,吉布提和西奈半岛。我在这些地方跟我们的战士交谈,给他们颁发奖章,给他们举行服役期满重新入伍的仪式。我在军队中的每一天都看到战士们的奉献精神和职业风貌。我为之感到骄傲,同时也感到自己的渺小。我们陆军大家庭的每一个成员都是至关重要的。 在你们需要关心和支持的时候,我们决不会犹豫彷徨,袖手旁观。


Raymond T. Odierno
General, 38th Chief of Staff
United States Army

The strength of our Nation is our Army,
The strength of our Army is our Soldiers,  
The strength of our Soldiers is our Families,
This is what makes us Army Strong!  

作者: xyy     时间: 2012-9-27 13:37

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