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标题: [原创] 散文英译刊载信息 [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-24 18:03     标题: [原创] 散文英译刊载信息


Dear Tang Fu and Xiaoman Liu,

            Thank you for the article. I appreciate the way the article is written. I accept it for the September, 2015 issue of Guwahatian. I also hope to receive such articles in future.
            I welcome both of you to this small family of writers and artistes, called Guwahatian.




Dear Mr. Editor:

            We have noticed that Guwahatian has published many translated works, so I believe our work would complement many of those on your list. We are submitting this translated work of a prose named Talking About Finland with 3831words. The original author is Tang Fu, who is  an accomplished Chinese writer and poet, born in Chongqing, China, living in Finland. With a great passion for writing, he never stops writing his works for proficient readers. He has built his reputation by producing vivid, clear and beautifully smooth, passionate poetry, prose and stories  and always brought readers the joys of reading and stimulated their imagination.  From this prose, readers will learn that the writer is showing the colorful and varied styles of a small Nordic country, in the angles of historical, natural and humanistic environments.

        The translator is Xiaoman Liu, a Chinese Canadian, interested in translating and writing prose, fictional stories and poetry in Chinese and English. Her dream is to become an accomplished translator and bilingual poet. Xiaoman has translated many works so far, for example, a famous story The Ghost, written by Xu Xu(1908--1980), several other middle-length and short stories from Chinese into English,  and more than one hundred classical and modern poems between Chinese and English.

          Thank you for your time and consideration! We are looking forward to seeing our  work being published on Guwahatian.

Best Regards,

Tang Fu (original author )

Xiaoman Liu (translator)

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2015-8-24 19:55
From my cellphone
作者: thesunlover     时间: 2015-8-28 12:26

这个 Guwahatian 是一家刊物吗?象这样的翻译,译者和作者怎么分成?能否介绍一下?

将“the way the article is written”翻译为“文采”不大合适吧,还是应该尽量忠于原意。

“Dear Tang Fu and Xiaoman Liu”也不是“敬爱的唐夫先生及小曼女士”,出版社怎么知道你们的性别?你告诉他们了?即使他们知道你们的性别,也会用“刘女士”,而不是不伦不类的“小曼女士”,中文都不这么用的。

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-28 12:55

Originally posted by thesunlover at 2015-8-28 12:26:

这个 Guwahatian 是一家刊物吗?象这样的翻译,译者和作者怎么分成?能否介绍一下?

将“the way the article is written”翻译为“文采”不大合适吧,还是应该尽量忠于原意。

“Dear Tang Fu an..


1)不好意思,这是商业秘密,不方便透露。 不过你可以写信问唐夫,只是个建议。
2) 论坛又不是出版社,我就随意把大意写出。
投稿的文章我老师叮嘱我至少要检查3遍才寄出, 但一般我偷懒就Skip了第一和第二遍,直接跳到第三遍去。  

3) 投稿时要求寄照片的。我朋友都说我漂亮,我不承认,我认为我是阿凡达,没有人说我帅,所以,我猜, 编辑如果没有特别的失误的话,他/她会认为我是女士而不是先生。 至于唐作家,我就不好评论了。  

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-28 13:56
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-9-20 06:36
Guwahatian 杂志九月份刊载的我翻译的 【漫话芬兰】 链接:

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2015-9-20 17:35
Xiaoman说“投稿时要求寄照片的。我朋友都说我漂亮,我不承认 ......”。是不是因为他们忘了说你翻译得也很漂亮,你不高兴,所以不愿首肯?
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-9-21 07:11
我猜他们可能不好意思夸我吧。   我自夸一下:我的翻译简直就是孤篇横绝文坛,美不胜收。  

我的六朝散文,唐宋诗词,明清小说,诗词评论,新闻故事,中外笑话等等翻译,都初具模式。。。新闻报道,唱歌演说,学什么像什么。 军火库内,100多篇译文储备,Very Handy,声东击西,绰绰有余,尽可攻,退可守。。。。。。现正加入重型武器。 。。。。。。 江山代有狂才出,各领风骚数百年。


古来译手皆寂寞,唯我狂人刘小曼!  称霸译坛指日可待。 欢迎路兄加入我军联盟阵线!

Have A Good Day!

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