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标题: delete [打印本页]

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-18 09:19     标题: delete

作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-18 15:50
作者: thesunlover     时间: 2016-1-18 16:08



Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-1-18 09:19:

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-19 07:49
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-20 12:33
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-21 22:37
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-22 08:27
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-23 11:19
原来你还是舍不得删你毫无根据的断言。立此存照吧。你的翻译我的美国学生说 It makes no sense.
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-23 12:03
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-23 13:00
You are being rude again. So uncivilized.

Show your translation to your American friends, if you have any, don't tell them you translated it, and ask them what it means.
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-23 13:22
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-23 14:12
Yes, you are so disappointing. You said many, but you deliberately failed to mention if this one was posted. Moreover, you don't even know the difference between disappointed and disappointing. Your English is worse than I estimated. I am disappointed.

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-1-23 06:22 PM:
for your info, I already posted many of my translations on 3 or 4 American websites and no one said that they do not understand them.  disappointing?

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-24 08:46

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