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标题: [原创]北京颂歌 [打印本页]

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2013-5-3 11:53     标题: [原创]北京颂歌

This is a translation of Cheng Baolin's poem.

This city of Beijing I can hardly describe
Both love and hatred come out of my pipe
The old sun has long died over the pyramid
A mummy is there no one dares to lift the lid
Pyramid I often misheard as panorama park
Where the Ming Emperor's body peeled the bark
Strange things often happen these years
Four devils on internet forums invite sneers
Kong Qingdong Sima Nan and Wu Fatian the fuking three
Plus the leftist Han chasing an old man up a tree
Last year rain came down just one day and night
Killing a young man in his car stuck hopelessly tight
The location, Wide Canal Gate, deserves some monument
Warning drivers to abandon cars at fatal moment
Housing price in Beijing is the top world show
An apartment near a school costs millions of dough
My former classmate, really a beauty, now lives there
I coveted her for decades, but bed her I never dare
Last spring I was awfully short in cash I need
60 grant to plant my real estate business seed
Around the globe I search people to borrow money
Half of them dwell in this wealth-clad city
They complained a lot when wiring the cash:
The amount seemed to them as worthy as trash
It is not just nuisance, it's literally a shame
Thus spake some online friends as the money came
There was a young beauty called Zhu Ling
Of Qinghua University good at music playing
Poisoned was she, but medicine helped her survive
Survived indeed, but she is more dead than alive
CCP central issued a decree about the case,
But don't you think it can leads you out of the maze
All the media in China says China is law-ruling nation
If this is not fantasy, then it is masturbation
I am awfully angry as I write these lines
Damned Beijing, when I was in my 20's
Pretty girls surrounded me all the time
And yet I wasted my youth, my sexual prime.
作者: 程宝林     时间: 2013-5-3 14:58
Thanks, Lao Fang, my former landlord!
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-4-28 17:05     标题: Excellente! Humorous indeed

I think the couplet style is easier than the sonnet style.

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