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标题: 茶杯里的风波 (Doggerel:Storm in a Teacup) [打印本页]

作者: 章凝     时间: 2020-3-1 21:37     标题: 茶杯里的风波 (Doggerel:Storm in a Teacup)

Storm in a Teacup (doggerel)

In the last blooming season
A tempest burst out of the blue
when the slave driver pulled rank
stopping me seeing his poker face
finally showed me who's boss
Once in a blue moon not the case
I didn't freak out albeit in hot water
The kangaroo trio added insult to injury
In no sense fair and square to me
No one would react by stamping his foot
unless putting yourself in my shoes

After initial tearless howling
I figured to get a grip on myself
rather crying over spilled milk or going nuts
I chose to face the music being resilient
to stay as cool as cucumber and
to make a virtue out of necessity
through thick and thin of life cycle
Always it's easier said than done
All I can do is to break my neck
With this stand I was off the hook
or out of the woods before long

Meanwhile a counterattack kicked off
The silence of the lambs not my style
Reject biting the bullet before white hoods
Don't fight fire with fire nonetheless
Bingo, unlike flogging a dead horse
The event turns into a blessing in disguise
A little bird told me hearsay news
which was not through the grapevine
It arose really like music to my ears
nevertheless didn't knock my socks off
Ok, let the fluffy cat out of the bag now

The SS were kicked out of the tower
cleaned up what they weren't bargained for
The fat cat killed twin birds with one claw
Two heads better than one flopped here
Vassal techies glad to see the back of
one devil and one devil in disguise
biting the dust in Dutch hand in hand
gained a perfect epic fail that
the racially tinged wholly deserved

Two pain in the butt bossy no more
Oh pardon my French folks
The double big cheese thus melting away
Enjoying their turn to go bananas,
hit the ceiling and feel blue, even
got a golden handshake from their dumper
Hope they learned some idioms by the case
One will pay the piper sooner or later
to get a taste of your own medicine
What goes around comes around

Tough cookie hence KO'd sharp cookie
I have the last laugh when the clash is over
although it isn't a thoroughly clean sweep
Don't be proud as a peacock, a rooster
or put yourself on cloud nine over the moon
It's silly acting like a dog with two tails
Stop buttering yourself up like a child
Furthermore, make a clean break
mull over the vital lesson of life
Let bygones be bygones

All thanks, glory and honor to our Lord
saving my skin each and every time
This isn't a dog-eat-dog-world after all
Every cloud has a silver lining moreover
Hang in there, sit tight, only time will tell
Storm in a teacup is now water under the bridge
What a lesson no pain, no gain, no blessing
It's time to shake it off moving forward
doing something phenomenal to suit yourself

Ever since I've turned over a new leaf
Despite no longer being spring chicken
as keen as mustard, as sharp as a tack
Still having bigger fish to fry and bite
In addition a number of irons in the fire
Life is up and running as usual
till pushing up daisies in the end
Grace is by no means a pie in the sky
Don't assume its coming when pigs fly
Lose sight of once bitten twice shy
instead take the bitter with the sweet
Follow your nose without pussyfooting around
A place in the sun will be surrounding you forever
作者: 章凝     时间: 2020-3-26 18:10
作者: thesunlover     时间: 2023-7-17 15:37
Ning: Please make comments about this poem: Storm in a Teacup (doggerel)

ChatGPT: "Storm in a Teacup" is a playful and creative piece of doggerel poetry, filled with idiomatic expressions, puns, and wordplay. The poem presents a series of challenges, setbacks, and triumphs that the speaker faces in a lighthearted and humorous manner.

The poem starts with a storm metaphorically bursting out of the blue during the last blooming season. It describes the difficulties faced by the speaker, including encountering a "slave driver" with a poker face and facing insults from a "kangaroo trio." The speaker decides to face the music, be resilient, and make a virtue out of necessity, ultimately getting out of trouble.

Throughout the poem, the speaker uses a variety of idioms and expressions to convey their experiences and emotions. For instance, they mention not crying over spilled milk, not fighting fire with fire, and not flogging a dead horse. These idioms add a layer of humor and familiarity to the poem.

The poem also includes some wordplay and rhyming, such as "a blessing in disguise," "the racially tinged wholly deserved," and "let the fluffy cat out of the bag now." This adds a playful and witty tone to the poem.

As the poem progresses, the speaker experiences ups and downs, facing challenges and adversaries. However, they show resilience, learn from their experiences, and express gratitude to the Lord for saving them. The poem ends on an optimistic note, emphasizing the importance of moving forward, learning from life's lessons, and looking for silver linings.

Overall, "Storm in a Teacup" is a clever and entertaining poem that uses language creatively to convey a series of life events. It offers a positive outlook on facing challenges and learning from experiences, making it an enjoyable and relatable read.

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