Thou with fresh hopes the Lover’s heart dost fill,
While the jolly Hours lead on propitious May.
Thy liquid notes that close the eye of Day,
First heard before the shallow cuckoo’s bill,
Portend success in love. O if Jove’s will
Have linked that amorous power to thy soft lay,
Now timely sing, ere the rude bird of hate
Foretell my hopeless doom, in some grove nigh;
As thou from year to year hast sung too late
For my relief, yet had’st no reason why.
Whether the Muse or Love call thee his mate,
Both them I serve, and of their train am I.
"O Nightingale that on yon bloomy Spray" is a poem by Milton, also known as "Sonnet I", that is a meditation and contrast of the nightingale and cuckoo and their metaphors. Milton states that the nightingale is the "bird of song" who brings good fortune and success in love. The cuckoo is the "rude Bird of Hate" which is associated with jealousy and cuckoldry.
This is a fourteen line poem. It contains the rhyme scheme ABBAABBA-CDCDCD, which is a typical Italian sonnet style. It is written in iambic-pentameter.
Read more about O Nightingale that on yon bloomy Spray by John Milton Analysis & Poem by www.poemofquotes.com作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-4-27 23:15 在过去两年内我翻译的诗词,朗读现在看一些原诗就觉眼熟。,但都没有做further study can't remember which is which就是喜欢玩.刚那郎读就是看了你的翻译想起的。晚安!手机写字。作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-4-27 23:44 我对翻译感兴趣是因为顾贞观的《金缕曲》 ,但这个很难。弄明白诗本身也费劲。我两年多前开始试直到最近勉强译出其二。当然改良空间很大。作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-4-28 00:25 很高兴读到方先生对Ozymandias的翻译,但这是一首14行诗,我觉得还是用14行的体裁? Or free style to express the boundless and mysterious feel of the desert and the statue? ,不知你怎样看?作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-4-28 05:45 读完了方先生的译作。古文和古诗英汉互译我都很感兴趣。 古文很难学,你的英译很好,流畅,我完全看明白,但古文,不看英语部分很难看懂。作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-4-28 16:39 这个贴信息含量大,首先,不明白什么是“琴南笔法” 。我昨夜都看了您的文章,但我没说清楚:有些地方我看明白了,但有些地方不明白。 还有那个温庭筠的诗翻译, 句子里好像没动词,不明白。 谢谢方老师!