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    2010-1-5   windsuit flying

    <object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=1778399&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=1778399&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/1778399">wingsuit base jumping</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/aabbas">Ali</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

    [阅读全文]  2010-1-5 23:41 - 晨思 - 1365 查看 - 3 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2010-1-2   ZT: James Cameron's Avatar

    James Cameron's Avatar delivers a powerful message of connectedness with Mother Nature

    If you see just one film this holiday season (or even this year), make it James Cameron's Avatar. It's a powerful, inspiring film that demonstrates movie-making at its best, and it delivers a crucial message for our time: That all living beings are connected and that those who seek to exploit nature rather than respect it will only destroy themselves.

    Much of the press about Avatar has focused on the special effects, the motion capture and the 3-D presentation. These are modern filmmaking marvels, for certain, but the film succeeds for a far more important reason: Its story -- and its message. Others have reviewed the film in a more critical light; notably Alex Jones who sees it as more of a propaganda..

    [阅读全文]  2010-1-2 01:30 - 晨思 - 1712 查看 - 8 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2009-6-8   [转载] extraordinary vs. ordinary

    Everybody is after being extraordinary. That is the search of the ego: to be someone who is special, to be someone who is unique, incomparable. And this is the paradox: the more you try to be exceptional, the more ordinary you look, because everybody is after extraordinariness. It is such an ordinary desire. If you become ordinary, the very search to be ordinary is extraordinary, because rarely does somebody want to be just nobody, rarely does somebody want to be just a hollow, empty space. This is really extraordinary in a way, because nobody wants it. And when you become ordinary you become extraordinary, and, of course, suddenly you discover that without searching you have become unique.

    In fact, everybody is unique. If you can stop your constant running after goals for even a single m..

    [阅读全文]  2009-6-8 00:03 - 晨思 - 1214 查看 - 2 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2009-2-22   [转载] 孩子成长到底需要什么









    [阅读全文]  2009-2-22 13:08 - 晨思 - 1027 查看 - 0 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2009-2-8   [转载] 顾城谢烨悲剧的反思


                                                                                                                   文 昕






        顾城,一位年轻的天才诗人,他的哲学思想以及他的才华影响了许多人;谢烨一个美丽善良才华出众的女人,身为顾城的妻子是她的骄傲和幸福。他们的婚姻一度为 文学圈里的人们羡慕、尊重,他们虽然清贫,但生活却充满浪漫甜蜜。然而,世事却如此难料,他们的婚姻竟以悲剧而告终,绝望的顾城打伤了自己的妻子,尔后自 挂于树上结束了自己的生命。几小时以后,他曾经深爱过的妻子因抢救无效、死在奥克兰的一家医院里。而英儿,这位不顾一切闯入顾、谢婚姻并导致悲剧发生的女 孩,面对使料不及的一切该作何..

    [阅读全文]  2009-2-8 13:22 - 晨思 - 4070 查看 - 38 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2008-11-5   童言趣语

    昨天下午儿女放学回家,四年级的女儿告诉我班里进行了总统选举,每个人写个纸条折好给老师,并写出决定的理由,最后统计结果奥巴马赢了。女儿选了奥巴马,我问为什么,她答:I want to give black people a chance.

    我去问一年级的弟弟,快六岁了,他说如果他参加会选奥巴马,I asked why, he said, "John McCain is older than my grandpa, i think younger people are smarter. "


    [阅读全文]  2008-11-5 14:41 - 晨思 - 1553 查看 - 7 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2008-9-27   [转载]有关“小国寡民“






    [阅读全文]  2008-9-27 18:16 - 晨思 - 1104 查看 - 1 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2008-9-11   Eternal recurrence (wikipedia)

    Eternal return (also known as "eternal recurrence") is a concept which posits that the universe has been recurring, and will continue to recur in exactly form an infinite number of times. The concept has roots in ancient Egypt, and was subsequently taken up by the Pythagoreans and Stoics. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the notion is supported in the book of Ecclesiastes.[1][2][3] With the decline of antiquity and the spread of Christianity, the concept fell into disuse, though Friedrich Nietzsche briefly resurrected it.

    In addition, the philosophical concept of eternal recurrence was addressed by Arthur Schopenhauer. It is a purely physical concept, involving no "reincarnation", but the return of beings in the same bodies. Time is viewed as being not linear but cyclical.

    The basic premise is ..

    [阅读全文]  2008-9-11 22:20 - 晨思 - 1675 查看 - 3 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2008-9-7   科普:从大爆炸到黑洞--史蒂芬•霍金的宇宙观




    [阅读全文]  2008-9-7 13:03 - 晨思 - 1478 查看 - 5 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2008-6-26   humorous quotes

    A cigarette shortens your life by 2 mins ..
    a beer shortens your life by 4 min..

    But a working day shortens your life by 8 hours!!!!

    --- in the last few months, a working day shortens my life by 15 hours , i am working too hard for a ridiculous project

    [阅读全文]  2008-6-26 19:17 - 晨思 - 1706 查看 - 6 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2008-6-22   John Francis, a 'planetwalker' who lived car-free and silent for 17 years

    John Francis, a 'planetwalker' who lived car-free and silent for 17 years, chats with Grist

    How long could you survive without your car? For the many Americans who think nothing of driving 10 blocks to buy a gallon of milk, the answer is obvious. But before any of you dedicated pedestrians and die-hard cyclists start feeling smug, try this question: How long could you survive without talking?

    Chances are, nowhere near as long as John Francis did. After a massive oil spill polluted San Francisco Bay in 1971, Francis gave up all motorized transportation. For 22 years, he walked everywhere he went -- including treks across the entire United States and much of South America -- hoping to inspire others to drop out of the petroleum economy.

    Soon after he stopped riding in cars, Francis, t..

    [阅读全文]  2008-6-22 14:06 - 晨思 - 1372 查看 - 2 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2008-3-17   [转载]How to Get a Runner's High

    Runner's high is a term given to the feeling of euphoria that is induced by distance running. You don't have to be a world class athlete, or even a distance runner per se to experience this elevated state of mind. This wiki explains how any person can achieve a runner's high and dramatically improve his or her fitness while doing it. The steps below are based on a 30 - 45 minute run.

    1.        Start out slowly. It is very common for people to feel fatigue within the first minute of running. To make it over this initial hump or avoid it altogether you should set your initial pace extremely slow taking small steps.

    2.        Pick up the pace, slightly for just a few minutes. This lets your body know that there is work to be done. Your body will respond by doing all sorts of neat biological responses th..

    [阅读全文]  2008-3-17 18:44 - 晨思 - 1218 查看 - 0 评论 | 收藏 综合类

    2008-2-2   a beautiful video, great music

    our beautiful planet ...


    [阅读全文]  2008-2-2 13:19 - 晨思 - 1318 查看 - 1 评论 | 收藏 综合类

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